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Look Within: Energetic Solutions to Increase Success

Energetic Solutions to Increase Success

Success comes to some of us easier than others. It's easy to point to superficial reasons for someone's success, but the truth is often more simple and complicated than what we immediately see on the surface. The first step? Patience. Any goal, no matter what it is, is achieved by persistence, and the only way to keep at it is to keep your motivation to succeed. In this Look Within Project article, Mind in Motion founder Leigh Weinraub examines the common steps to success and provides three inspiring tips designed to get you fired up and motivated to achieve each and every one of your dreams: from climbing a mountain to communicating wholly and honestly with your partner. Learn how to practice one word motivation to train your brain to concentrate on your goal, regain connection with yourself through bodyfulness by treating and engaging your senses with a favorite physical activity, and why giving yourself small but significant guaranteed emotional wins helps to keep your head held high and your feet on the ground. Read on to discover these secrets to staying motivated, determined, and focused – and unlock your full potential to accomplish your personal goals.

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